
ESLint plugin

This project is maintained by iliubinskii


ESLint plugin / consistent-empty-lines

Requires consistent empty lines.

module.exports = {
  plugins: ["misc"],
  rules: {
    "misc/consistent-empty-lines": [
        rules: [
            _id: string,
            emptyLine: "always" | "any" | "never",
            filesToLint: string[],
            filesToSkip: string[],
            next: string | string[],
            prev: string | string[],
            selector: string | string[]
Option Description Default
rules._id Id -
rules.emptyLine Requires or disallows empty line -
rules.filesToLint Files to lint (minimatch patterns) []
rules.filesToSkip Files to skip (minimatch patterns) [] The second of the two adjacent AST elements (AST selectors) -
rules.prev The first of the two adjacent AST elements (AST selectors) -
rules.selector One selector for both adjacent AST elements (AST selectors) -

Examples of incorrect code

eslint misc/consistent-empty-lines: [
    rules: [
        _id: "import",
        emptyLine: "always",
        selector: "ImportDeclaration"
import x from "source1";
import y from "source2";

Examples of correct code

eslint misc/consistent-empty-lines: [
    rules: [
        _id: "import",
        emptyLine: "never",
        selector: "ImportDeclaration"
import x from "source1";
import y from "source2";