
ESLint plugin

This project is maintained by iliubinskii


ESLint plugin / sort-array

Sorts arrays.

module.exports = {
  plugins: ["misc"],
  rules: {
    "misc/sort-array": [
        customOrder: string[],
        selector: string | string[],
        sendToBottom: string,
        sendToTop: string,
        sortKey: string,
        triggerByComment: boolean
Option Description Default
customOrder Array elements with custom order -
selector AST elements to be sorted (AST selector) "ArrayExpression"
sendToBottom Array elements that should be sent to bottom -
sendToTop Array elements that should be sent to top -
sortKey Determines which object key should be used to compare objects -
triggerByComment Triggers sorting by “// @sorted” comment true

Examples of incorrect code

// @sorted
const x = [2, 1];

Examples of correct code

const x = [2, 1];
// @sorted
const y = [1, 2];