
ESLint plugin

This project is maintained by iliubinskii


ESLint plugin / sort-statements

Sorts statements.

StatementType =
  | "Declare"
  | "DeclareGlobal"
  | "ExportAllDeclaration"
  | "ExportDeclaration"
  | "ExportDefaultDeclaration"
  | "ExportFunctionDeclaration"
  | "ExportTypeDeclaration"
  | "ExportUnknown"
  | "FunctionDeclaration"
  | "ImportDeclaration"
  | "JestTest"
  | "TypeDeclaration"
  | "Unknown";
module.exports = {
  plugins: ["misc"],
  rules: {
    "misc/sort-statements": [
        blockOrder: StatementType[],
        moduleOrder: StatementType[],
        order: StatementType[],
        programOrder: StatementType[]
Option Description Default
blockOrder Order inside block statement []
moduleOrder Order inside module declaration []
order Default order []
programOrder Root statements order []

Examples of incorrect code

function f() {}
type T1 = number;
const x1 = true;
const x2 = true;
export function g() {}
export type T2 = number;
export const x3 = true;
export const x4 = true;
export * from "source";
declare global {}
import "source";

Examples of correct code

import "source";
declare global {}
export * from "source";
export const x1 = true;
export const x2 = true;
export type T1 = number;
export function f() {}
const x3 = true;
const x4 = true;
type T2 = number;
function g() {}